„STRANI – VARI“,  already traditional summer recreational centers for children from 1st to 5th grade of elementary school, started working on Monday, August 4th 2014, in the schools in Zavidovici Municipality.
This year „STRANI – VARI“  is being held in the period from August 4th to August 15th  in two city elementary schools, and also the schools in Brezik, Ribnica, Hajderovići, Gostović and Kovači, and the activities with children are organised as games and workshops. The organisers are satisfied with this year’s response of the children who are taking part in the activities.
The project is held by educators from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Italy,  and specialy educated animators will take part in the activities again this year. They have once more designed an original and creative programe so the children can learn and gain new experiences through games.
The summer recreational center „STRANI – VARI“ has the aim to educate children to have better relation with themselves and the environment, to develop their social skills and have fun during the summer.
A part of this year’s activities will also be Circus workshops, held on Tuesday August 5th and Wednsday August  6th, 16.00-18.00h in the sports hall of First Elementary School Zavidovici, and a theatre show „La Scuola dei Grandi“, that will be held on Friday, August 8th, at 19.00h in Dom Kulture Zavidovici.
The implementation of this project is supported by LDA Zavidovici, Associazione Strani Vari, programme YEPP Langhe and Ceker Association.


„STRANI-VARI“, već tradicionalni ljetni rekreativni centri za djecu od I do V razreda osnovne škole, počeli su sa radom u ponedjeljak, 04.08.2014., u školama na području općine Zavidovići.
Ove godine „STRANI-VARI“ se održava u periodu od 04.08. do 15.08., u dvije gradske osnovne škole, kao i u školama Brezik, Ribnica, Hajderovići, Gostović i Kovači, a  rad sa djecom je organizovan putem igara i radionica. Organizatori su zadovoljni ovogodišnjim odazivom djece koja će u naredne dvije sedmice učestvovati u aktivnostima projekta.
Projekt  vode  edukatori iz Bosne i Hercegovine i Italije, a i ove godine u aktivnostima učestvuju i stručno edukovani animatori za rad sa djecom, koji su ponovo osmislili originalan i kreativan program kako bi djeca kroz igru učila i sticala nova iskustva.  Ljetni rekreativni centar za djecu „STRANI-VARI“ je osmišljen tako da bi se djeca bolje odnosila prema sebi i okolini, da bi razvijali osjećaj za društvo i dobro se zabavili tokom ljeta.
Dio ovogodišnjih aktivnosti bit će također cirkus radionice, koje će se održati u utorak 05.08. i u srijedu 06.08., od 16.00 do 18.00h u sali Prve osnovne škole, te pozorišna predstava „Škola velikih“, koja će biti odigrana u petak, 08.08., u 19.00h, u Domu kulture Zavidovići.
Realizaciju ovog projekta podržavaju ALD Zavidovići, Associazione Strani Vari, program YEPP Langhe i udruženje CEKER.